
Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy applies to the website (hereinafter, the “Website” or the “Site”) and refers to the processing of personal data carried out by Stuff Boutique , Via Amendola 25 - 46028 Sermide (MN) , CF and PI 02238000208 (hereinafter, the “Company”) , when users visit the Website and interact with its services and features. The Privacy Policy has been drawn up in accordance with Recommendation no. 2/2001, adopted on 17 May 2001 by the Working Group for the Protection of Personal Data and also represents information for interested parties pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, no. 196 (the “Privacy Code”). The Privacy Policy specifies the identity of the data controller who controls and manages the personal data collected and processed through the Website, indicates which personal information is collected, the purposes and methods of processing, the scope of communication of data to third parties, the security measures adopted in order to protect and safeguard the user's personal data, the ways in which the user can verify the processing of data concerning him/her and exercise the rights recognized by the Privacy Code.

The Data Controller

  • The Data Controller is Stuff Boutique , Via Amendola 25 - 46028 Sermide (MN) , CF and PI 02238000208 (hereinafter, the “Company”) .

The nature and type of data collected and processed

The Company collects and processes personal data voluntarily provided by the user when sending an order, registering on the Website, requesting information, subscribing to the Newsletter service. The personal data that the Company collects and processes include: name, address, e-mail, telephone number, and any other personal information necessary to carry out the specific service used by the user from the Website. Browsing the Website does not involve the provision of personal data, but the collection of the same is necessary for the processing of orders and for the provision of the services requested by the user, such as, registration on the Website, subscribing to the Newsletter service, responding to questions from the user and sending information requested by the user. In the specific sections of the Website where the data is collected, a specific information is published, drawn up pursuant to Art. 13 of the Privacy Code. When necessary, pursuant to the Privacy Code, the Company requests the user's consent before proceeding with the processing of personal data. The Company also processes the so-called user navigation data, i.e. data whose transmission to the Website is implicit in the functioning of the computer systems used to manage the Website and in the use of Internet communication protocols. Navigation data include, for example, IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the Website and other parameters relating to the type and operating system used by the user. Navigation data is collected and processed by the Company exclusively for statistical purposes on access to and use of the Website and for purposes of monitoring the correct functioning of the Website itself; such data could be used to ascertain any liability in the event of computer crimes against the Website or committed through it. Except for this hypothesis, the Company retains the user navigation data for the period necessary for the purposes set out above, and the data may only be retained in anonymous form.

The place of storage of the personal data collected

The personal data collected will be stored and processed through an electronic system managed by the Company which is located at our provider.


A cookie is a short string of text sent to the browser and saved on the device each time the user visits a website. The Site uses first-party and third-party cookies to improve the user's browsing experience, making it as efficient and simple as possible. Therefore, when a user visits the Website, a minimum amount of information is entered into his/her device and saved in a specific directory of the user's web browser. The stored cookies cannot be used to recall any data from the hard disk, transmit computer viruses or identify and use the user's email address. Cookies are used to improve the user's browsing experience. In particular: – they allow you to navigate efficiently within the website; – they store the user name and preferences entered; – they allow you to avoid entering the same information multiple times during the visit; – they monitor the use of services by users, so as to optimize the browsing experience and the services themselves. You can disable the use of cookies at any time. Disabling or deleting cookies may also prevent optimal use of some areas of the site or compromise the use of some services. Below is a description of the types of cookies that may be used on the Site and the purpose associated with their use.

Analytical cookies

Cookies of this type are necessary for the correct functioning of the Site; they include both persistent cookies and session cookies. In the absence of such cookies, the site or some portions of it may not function correctly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of the user's preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain. The owner is not required to request the user's consent for technical cookies, since these are strictly necessary for the provision of the service.

Technical cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the site. The owner uses this information for statistical analysis, to improve the site and simplify its use, as well as to monitor its correct functioning. This type of cookie collects information anonymously on the activity of users on the site and on how they arrived at it and the pages visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Third party tracking cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information anonymously on the use of the site by visitors, the keywords used to reach the site, the websites visited and the origins of the traffic. The owner can use this information to compile reports and improve the site. Cookies of this type are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains. Pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree 196/2003, consent to the use of such cookies is expressed by the interested party through individual settings freely chosen for the browser used to navigate the site, without prejudice to the user's right to communicate at any time to the data controller his or her will regarding the data.

Social Network Cookies

These cookies are necessary to allow your social account to interact with our site. For example, they are used to let you express your appreciation and share it with your social friends.

What cookies do we use?

Name Typology Purpose and description of cookies
Performance Cookies Navigation Cookies Cookies have the function of saving information on inline style sheets to speed up the user's subsequent visits and offer faster and less expensive navigation.
Google Analytics Third party cookies We use this type of web analysis service provided by Google Inc. to obtain aggregate statistical information useful for evaluating the use of the website and the activities carried out by the visitor. Google stores the information collected by the cookie on servers that may also be located in the United States. Google reserves the right to transfer the information collected with its cookie to third parties where this is required by law or where the third party processes information on its behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google in order to obtain a more detailed user profile. Further information on privacy management and/or on how to refuse or delete this type of cookie is available at the URL: .
The User can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing on his/her browser the opt-out component provided by Google. To disable the collection of data by Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:
Embedded Content Third party cookies We may use non-constant videos from Youtube and Vimeo, content from social networks Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram and in general, based on the need, embeddable content from other platforms. Since we cannot control the cookies that these third-party sites provide, it is advisable to inquire directly with each third party to have greater control over these cookies. Below are some useful links to the cookie policies of the third parties mentioned:
DoubleClick Third party cookies To display the banners present within the pages, our site can use the third-party service DoubleClick in a basic way and therefore without any type of behavioral analysis. For more information on the Cookies in question, use the following link .
Google Fonts Third party cookies We may use, in some parts of the site, fonts from the Google Fonts service. For information on the cookies in question, here is the link

How can cookies be disabled?

Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can also choose not to accept them. It is recommended that you do not disable this function, since this may prevent you from moving freely from one page to another and from enjoying all the features of the Site. If you do not want your computer to receive and store cookies, you can change the security settings of your browser. In any case, please note that certain parts of our Site can only be used to their full extent if your browser accepts cookies; otherwise, you will not, for example, be able to add products to your cart and proceed with the purchase. Consequently, your choice to remove and not accept cookies may negatively affect your stay on our Site. Below are brief instructions on how to disable cookies in the most popular browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer

Click the 'Tools' icon in the top right corner and select 'Internet Options'. In the pop-up window select 'Privacy'. From here you can adjust your cookie settings.

Google Chrome

Click the wrench in the top right corner and select 'Settings'. Then select 'Show advanced settings' and change the 'Privacy' settings.

Mozilla Firefox

From the drop-down menu in the top left corner select 'Options'. In the pop-up window select 'Privacy'. From here you can adjust your cookie settings.


From the drop-down settings menu in the top right corner select 'Preferences'. Select 'Privacy' and here you can adjust your cookie settings. To disable analytical cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your navigation, you can download the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on:

The characteristics and methods of processing personal data

The personal data provided voluntarily by the user will be used by the Company to process orders, manage the user's registration on the Website, send Newsletters following the user's registration to the relevant service, respond to user questions and send information requested by the user. The personal data collected by the Company are processed mainly with automated tools but also without the aid of electronic tools, only for the time strictly functional to achieving the specific processing purpose and in compliance with the provisions in force on security, with particular but not exclusive reference to Annex B (Technical Regulations on minimum security measures) of the Privacy Code. Furthermore, the information systems and computer programs are configured to minimize the use of personal and identifying data not necessary for the specific processing purposes pursued.

Scope of communication of personal data

The Company communicates the user's personal data within the limits and in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy and in the information published when the data is provided and, in any case, in full compliance with the consent given by the user when the data is collected, when required by the Privacy Code. The Company may use third parties to process your orders and provide you with the services specifically requested. These third parties are provided only with the information necessary to carry out their functions; your personal data are processed by these third parties for the same purposes for which they were collected. Your personal data will be accessible within the Company only to those people who need to know them in relation to their duties and in their capacity as data processors, to process orders, to allow your registration on the Website, to respond to your questions and to send you the information requested. The data will also be accessible to the Data Controller, where appointed. Your personal data may also be communicated to banks and credit institutions, professionals, independent collaborators, commercial partners of the Company, third parties used by the Company in relation to the processing purposes specified above, as well as to anyone who is a legitimate recipient of communications required by law or regulations. Your personal data will not be communicated to third parties for promotional purposes and will not be disseminated in any way.

The provision of personal data

Except as described in relation to the so-called navigation data, the provision of data by the user is necessary for the processing of orders sent and for the provision of services requested by the user, such as registration on the Website, subscription to the Newsletter service, response to questions and sending information requested by the user; any refusal would prevent the Company from fulfilling its contractual obligations, or from providing the user with the service or information requested.

User rights

Pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code and as an interested party, the user has the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of data concerning him/her, to know its content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration, updating or rectification, to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, or to oppose the processing of data for legitimate reasons.

For any questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data by Stuff Boutique, please contact us at the following address:
Stuff Boutique, Via Amendola 25 - 46028 Sermide (MN) , CF and PI 02238000208 (hereinafter, the “Company”) | E-mail: info@